1. Relax!
You may a huge to-do list this year but it’s important to give yourself time to relax. Read a book, take a nap, enjoy a cup of coffee, whatever you have to do to winddown do it! Your mind and body will be grateful.
2. Gratitude
This something that I have been doing a lot of recently! With all the craziness of this year, it’s easy to feel down and disappointed during the holidays. Start focusing on all the good things. Take the time to write down three things you were grateful for that day. Practicing gratitude can start a major shift in our attitudes and life.
3. Get ready for the day
Although its cold outside and you may want to lay around all day, get up and get ready! Feeling put together, fresh, and showered can always brighten someone’s mood. Simply changing from your pajamas into a different an outfit works.
4. Smile!
Going along with gratitude, it’s time to laugh and let things go. There’s a saying that I like to say, “Accept the things I cannot change and change the things I cannot accept”. Don’t let yourself feel booged down by all the things we can’t change this holiday season. Put a smile on your face and focus on you, family, and friends!