Being Authentic in the World of Social Media Filters
Social media is everywhere and what we see is almost always a highlight reel. This leads us down a dangerous path of social comparison and wanting perfection in our everyday lives. But life isn't perfect. It is hard to see past the perfect poses, outrageous travel locations, and constantly happy smiles to see the person behind the photo. Life has its ups and downs and that is not always shown on social media. Here are a few of our tips on learning how to stay authentic to yourself in the crazy world of social media.
Avoid accounts that don’t make you feel good.
We have all been there. We follow the “perfect” people only to have every photo they post of their life spent traveling to exotic places make our 9-5 seem to drag on. If they’re posts don’t make you feel good about what you have, unfollow them. It is not worth bringing yourself down. Fill your feed with positive accounts and content you enjoy seeing.
Stop messing around with the filters
Of course everyone looks better with the skin smoothing filter! That is what it was designed for, but it isn’t real life. Understand that if it is not enhancing your self-image then it is hurting it. You are beautiful without the filter, embrace it.
Be yourself
A lot of times it is easier to post the same content as others, but it is important to remain true to yourself and your passions. Let who you are shine through your social media. Being unique is what makes you, YOU!
Learn to be present
Sometimes we get caught up in taking the perfect photo or video for social media that we forget to truly enjoy the moment. It is nice to have pictures to look back on, but the memories will also last forever. Put your phone down. Smell the clean air, spend time with your friends, or just enjoy the silence.
Stay true to your values and don’t be afraid to stand up
Don’t be afraid to speak out against something that is harmful on social media. We all know cyber bullies are real and they can be really hurtful. Don’t be the bully and don’t let others get bullied. Stick up for your friends and your values.