The Importance of Giving Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving! As this time of year rolls around, everyone is thinking about the perfect side dish to bring to dinner. Sometimes we forget to take the time to stop and remember why we do all of this in the first place. Thanksgiving is all about being surrounded by family and friends. Most importantly, it’s about giving thanks. But why is giving thanks so important?
Gratitude, or giving thanks, is an appreciation for what we receive, tangible and intangible. It’s important to recognize all that we are grateful for as it improves our lives in many different ways. It can deepen our relationships, boost joy, reduce depression, and provides us with a sense of peace.
As the craziness begins today, we at Dress Haute challenge you to slow down and practice gratitude. Before you start Thanksgiving dinner or even at the end of the night, think of three things that you are grateful for today. These can be simple things such as being grateful to wake up this morning. Go around the table or room and ask your family to participate!
Dress Haute wishes you a Happy Holidays! We are grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you for supporting Dress Haute!