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Long Distance Bridesmaid? Here's how you can stay in the loop

Photo by Devon Divine

It can be hard living away from your best friend, especially when she asks you to be a part of her bridal party. Becoming a bridesmaid is a fun and exciting experience that you want to be involved in every step of the way. Here are a few tips on how to support the bride, from a distance! 

Stay connected! 

Take advantage of technology. Keep in touch regularly to stay connected during the planning process. Video chat is your new best friend! You may not be able to be there physically, but you can be there virtually. 

Attend any events you can 

Decide which events are more important for you to attend. Is it more important to be there for the shower or wedding dress shopping? If you can only make it to the wedding, be sure to tell the bride in advance and send out a thoughtful gift or card to the other events. 

Use your location to your advantage

If everyone is able to travel, suggest a destination bachelorette party! Maybe you live in a fun city and would love for the bridal party to experience it. Invite everyone to crash at your place for a fun-filled weekend. 

Volunteer to help in any way possible 

Even though you are far away, you can still be a part of the planning process! One of the easiest things you can do from a distance is make calls to order or book things. Make sure you let the other bridesmaids know you are willing to help wherever you can! 

 Arrive early! 

Try to arrange your arrival a few days earlier than the wedding! You can use this time to catch up with the bride and help prepare any last-minute details. Making the effort to arrive early shows the bride how much you care for her; she will appreciate you being there for her!